*** erotische Kalender 2007-2008 ***

private Bilder Fotos Erotik: Stars


Fotos by www.flickr.com

Starry Night

matt.barta posted a photo:

Starry Night

Mein erstes Sternenbild mit meiner neuen OM-5 von OM Systems. Ich weiß, muss noch einiges ausprobieren und verbessern, bin aber sonst zufrieden mit dem Bild!
My first starry night picture with my new OM-5 camera from OM Systems. I know, I still need a lot of experience but I am happy with that result!

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:36:46 -


barbara.vance posted a photo:


Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:07 -

stars, faint Milky Way, and clouds at the beach

barbara.vance posted a photo:

stars, faint Milky Way, and clouds at the beach

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:04 -

The Milky Way

barbara.vance posted a photo:

The Milky Way

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:06 -

Scorpio and clouds

barbara.vance posted a photo:

Scorpio and clouds

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:05 -

Moon glory and stars

barbara.vance posted a photo:

Moon glory and stars

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:16 -

Stars over the gulf

barbara.vance posted a photo:

Stars over the gulf

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:06 -

Milky Way with stars and clouds

barbara.vance posted a photo:

Milky Way with stars and clouds

Orange Beach

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 15:14:07 -

Auroral Arc Panorama at Moonrise (July 25, 2024)

Amazing Sky Photography posted a photo:

Auroral Arc Panorama at Moonrise (July 25, 2024)

A 270° panorama of the surprise aurora of July 25, 2024, as there was little indication in the day or two before that an aurora was possible this night. But the Kp Index did reach Kp5, which is enough to produce a good display from my location in southern Alberta. Locations farther south in the northern U.S. also saw some Lights this night. This showing of Northern Lights exhibits the classic arc of an aurora centered on the direction of magnetic north, to the north-northeast from my location.

I shot this panorama shortly after moonrise, with the waning gibbous Moon in the southeast at right. Due north is at centre, with the Big Dipper left of centre and Arcturus over my house. Cassiopeia is right of centre. The view to the east at right is over a canola field.

This is a panorama of 5 segments, with the Laowa 10mm Zero-D lens wide open at f/2.8 on the Nikon Z6III at ISO 1600 and each 20-second exposures. Stitched with PTGui, though even it had difficulty aligning the segments due to the distortion of such a wide lens, despite the lens being in the PTGui database. Manual control point alignment was required as well as manual mask adjustments. Stitched with equirectangular projection. Adobe DeNoise AI applied to the segments before stitching.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 11:38:21 -

Partage nocturne

Jeff Graphy posted a photo:

Partage nocturne


Last night was a new session of my internship
"My first photograph of the starry sky".

As we can see, a lot of love was released ?

This is a one shot of 15 secondes, ISO 4000, f/2.8.
I used a Sony A7S with a TT Artisan lens 11mm f/2.8 on tripod.
Place : French Alps.

Let's dream,


Hier soir a eu lieu une nouvelle session de mon stage
"Ma première photographie du ciel étoilé".

Comme nous pouvons le constater, beaucoup d'amour a été dégagé ?

Il s'agit d'une pose unique de 15 secondes à 4000 ISO et à f/2.8.
Photographie réalisée avec un Sony A7S muni d'un objectif TT Artisan 11mm f/2.8.

Place au rêve,

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 08:31:06 -

Seeking Stars

Matt Straite Photography posted a photo:

Seeking Stars

I don't get to shoot the Milky Way nearly as often as I would like. I decided that on this weened, I was going to make it happen, no matter how hard it was. It's not the staying up all night that's a problem. It's the 4-hour drive, getting a place to stay all lined up, getting the family all taken care of, usually time off work. It's the logistics. This weekend was tough because the new moon was out (or rather, not out), and it was the wife's birthday weekend. Well, she loves tide pools, so we headed out for Bandon. My first time there. Bandon was not ideal, I really needed Secret Beach, but Bandon would have to do. A composition was a challenge, see, again, this was not an ideal time. There was an abnormally high tide leaving little access to the rocks. No Wizard Hat photo for me tonight. Plus, there is still a lot of ambient light pollution from the City to deal with. I found this gem of a spot. It was far enough back that the waves would not take us out, and it had this nice V shape between the rocks to cradle the Milky Way. I got to shot this with my son, the first time we have been out to shoot a MW together. He just got a Canon 6D, an oldie but a goodie, so he was shooting too. This was shot with a move-shoot-move star tracker and blended.

Let me know what you think.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 06:48:50 -

New TaTToo

SEHAS TaTToos posted a photo:

New TaTToo


Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 06:23:24 -

Previously Loved

wotanseyepatch posted a photo:

Previously Loved

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 06:23:02 -

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

Merrillie posted a photo:

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

The Milky Way night sky filled with stars in Blayney, Central West, NSW, Australia.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 04:08:10 -

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

Merrillie posted a photo:

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

The Milky Way night sky filled with stars in Blayney, Central West, NSW, Australia.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 04:01:18 -

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

Merrillie posted a photo:

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

The Milky Way night sky filled with stars in Blayney, Central West, NSW, Australia.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 03:52:15 -

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

Merrillie posted a photo:

Stargazing at the night sky and milky way

The Milky Way night sky filled with stars in Blayney, Central West, NSW, Australia.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 03:47:03 -

Aurora - a gentle display

Rudi Verspoor posted a photo:

Aurora - a gentle display

Not quite the displays of past years. But lovely to get a chance to be out and enjoy a crisp night with an Aurora display.

Fotos Bilder: stars

26 Jul 2024 02:58:08 -


jmbouffard posted a photo:


Fotos Bilder: stars

25 Jul 2024 23:14:40 -

more Fotos by www.flickr.com
Fotos by www.flickr.com